45-60 flower umbels of *Sambucus nigra*
2 lemons
3 limes
1 glass of honey
0.5 kg of sugar
4 glasses of spiritus
4 glasses of spring water
Wash lemons, slice it and remove seeds. Boil water with sugar. Cool it.
Put layers of flowers, lemon slices, then again flowers, lemon etc. into a
large pot / glass. Then pour in water with sugar. Leave it in the sun for
8-10 days, watching. Flowers and lemons should be covered with liquid.
After 8-10 days, transfer only liquid through strainer into another glass.
Add dissolved honey, juice from limes and spiritus (95% alcohol). Keep it
3 month in a dark place, shake from time to time. Finally, filter it. It
is ready to drink now!